- 已在第三代半导体光电子器件,无线激光通信芯片与水下光通信系统领域发表SCI论文80余篇,总引用超过3300次。
- 在IEDM, ISLC, CLEO, OFC, IPC等国际重要学术会议发表论文50余篇,大会特邀报告20余次。
- 在高速光子集成电路与水下高速无线光通信领域申请多项美国、加拿大、澳洲专利,其中10项已授权。
[1]. A wide field-of-view laser based white light transmitter for visible light communications, Optics Letters, 49(10):2805-2808 (2024)
[2]. A metasurface-based full-color circular auto-focusing Airy beams transmitter for stable high-speed underwater wireless optical communication, Nature Communications, 15, 2944 (2024)
[3]. High-speed GaN-based laser diode with modulation bandwidth exceeding 5 GHz for 20 Gbps visible light communication, Photonics Research, (2024)
[4]. A three-terminal light emitting and detecting diode, Nature Electronics, 7, 279–287 (2024)
[5]. A Novel Mobile Fronthaul Solution Based on Visible Light Fiber Communication and Zero-padding 8-D CAP Modulation, Optics Express, (2024)
[6]. High Wall-Plug Efficiency AlGaN Deep Ultraviolet Micro-LEDs Enabled by an Etched Reflective Array Design for High Data Transmission, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 71, 5, 3069-3076 (2024)
[7]. High-Speed GaN-Based 405 nm Violet Superluminescent Diode with Tilted Facet for Visible Light Communications, Phys. Status Solidi A 2024, 2300670
[8]. Modulation format recognition in a UVLC system based on an ultra-lightweight model with communication-informed knowledge distillation, Optics Express 32 (8), 13095-13110 (2024)
[9]. Flexible 2× 2 multiple access visible light communication system based on an integrated parallel GaN/InGaN micro-photodetector array module, Photonics Research 12 (4), 793-803 (2024)
[10]. Lens-free wavefront shaping method for a diffuse non-line-of-sight link in visible light communication, Chinese Optics Letters 22 (2), 020603 (2024)
[11]. 113Gbps rainbow visible light laser communication system based on 10λ laser WDM emitting module in fiber-free space-fiber link, Optics Express 32 (2), 2561-2573 (2024)
[12]. Simplified Neural Network With Physics-Informed Module in MIMO Visible Light Communication Systems, Journal of Lightwave Technology (2024)
[13]. 11.2 Gbps 100-meter free-space visible light laser communication utilizing bidirectional reservoir computing equalizer, Optics Express 31 (26), 44315-44327 (2023)
[14]. 15.26 Gb/s Si-substrate GaN high-speed visible light photodetector with super-lattice structure, Optics Express 31 (20), 33064-33076 (2023)
[15]. “Recent Advances in Optical Injection Locking for Visible Light Communication Applications”, Photonics 2023, 10(3), 291.