Application of High Frequency Ultrasound in Dentistry


题目: Application of High Frequency Ultrasound in Dentistry 

报告人: Lawrence H Le, PhD, MBA, Professor, Medical Physics, Graduate Coordinator

Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging, University of Alberta, Canada.

摘要: Intraoral ultrasonography uses high-frequency mechanical waves to study dento-periodontium. Besides the advantages of portability and cost-effectiveness, ultrasound technique has no ionizing radiation. Previous studies employed a single transducer or an array of transducer elements, and focused on enamel thickness and distance measurement. This study used a phased array system with a 128-element array transducer to image dento-periodontal tissues. We studied two porcine lower incisors from a 6-month-old piglet using 20-MHz ultrasound. The high-resolution ultrasonographs clearly showed the cross-sectional morphological images of the hard and soft tissues. The investigation used an integration of waveform analysis, travel-time calculation, and wavefield simulation to reveal the nature of the ultrasound data, which makes the study novel. With the assistance of time-distance radio-frequency records, we robustly justified the enamel-dentin interface, dentin-pulp interface, and the cemento-enamel junction. The alveolar crest level, the location of cemento-enamel junction, and the thickness of alveolar crest were measured from the images and compared favorably with those from the cone beam computed tomography with less than 10% difference. This preliminary and fundamental study has reinforced the conclusions from previous studies, that ultrasonography has great potential to become a non-invasive diagnostic imaging tool for quantitative assessment of periodontal structures and better delivery of oral care.

个人简介:美国医学物理学会、加拿大医学物理协会会士,为IEEE Access, Annals of Applied Acoustics, Medical Physics, Sensors, Ultrasonics13个知名学术刊物的编辑和审稿人,复旦大学兼职教授。