1.International Journal of Intelligent Systems,Fuzzy Scheduling Strategy for Generalized Switched Server Systems and its Robustness over System Heterogeneity,,24 (3), 252-271
2.Journal of Process Control, Generalized difference control of parallel streams temperatures,,16 (5),535-543
3.Journal of Process Control,Difference control of parallel streams temperatures,,15 (5),531-536
4. Control Engineering Practice,Load balancing control of furnace with multiple parallel passes,,15 (5),521-531
5.In Proceedings of the 2006 American Control Conference,Generalized switched server systems and task balancing,,,680-685
6.In Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Control and Automation ,Uniformity control of parallel streams temperatures: a modified DCT method,,, 984-988
7.In Proceedings of the 7th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation,Load balancing control of Web-server clusters: N-tanks model and a CTCT method,,,4069-4074
8.In Proceedings of the 27th Chinese Control Conference,On switching policies for generalized switched server systems,,,671-677
9. The 13th IFAC Symposium on Information Control Problems in Manufacturing, The balanceabililty of the FMM switching control policy,,,
10.In Proceedings of the 17th International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC) World Congress ,Researches on load balancing control problem for the systems with multiple parallel entities using differences control technique,,,11961-11966