





Sub-Forum of Information and Electronics Frontier in Intelligent Age

















电子科学与技术:詹老师     yqzhan@fudan.edu.cn
信息与通信工程:徐老师     fengxu@fudan.edu.cn
光学工程:         赵老师     hbzhao@fudan.edu.cn
智能科学与技术:迟老师     nanchi@fudan.edu.cn

咨询电话:           86-21-31242656













1. 多场耦合实验与理论
2. 新型功能材料与器件
3. 先进光电子物理与器件
4. 智能电子器件
5. 智能系统与应用基础

Introduction to Forum

Young Scholars are the future of academic research. Fudan-Guanghua International Forum for Young Scholars aims to create communication platforms for global young talented scholars of various research fields to discuss cutting-edge research spotlights, to resolve frontier academic problems and to enhance cooperation among distinct disciplines. The Forum also offers young scholars a taste of research environment and a package of know-how for research in China, specifically at Fudan University. It would eventually attract from world-wide young researchers to work at Fudan University.

Forum Setup
Sub-Forum of Information and Electronics Frontier in Intelligent Age is hosted by School of Information Science and Technology, co-organized by Institute of Optoelectronics. It includes the following four areas:


Electronics Science and Technology: Intelligent Circuits Systems and Signal Processing; Micro-nano electronic devices and systems; Power Electronics and Wide Bandgap Semiconductors; Electromagnetics and Antenna.

Information and Communication Technology: Silicon-based Photonics Chip and System; Spaceborne Remote Sensing, Communication and Navigation; Wireless Communication Systems and Networks.

Optical Engineering: Integrated (Quantum) Optical Information Technology; Ultra-precision Optical Manufacturing & Measurement; Biomedical Photonics; Micro-nano photonic-electric-magnetic Technology and Devices.

Intelligence Science and Technology: Neural Networks and Deep Learning; Intelligent Information and Signal Processing; Intelligent Electronics Device and System; Autonomous and Unmanned System.


Application Requirements


1. Age below 40
2. Ph.D. degree
3. Have remarkable achievements and great potentials in specific research area

Super Postdoctoral Proposals

1. Generally under 35 years old
2. Ph.D. candidates or Ph.D. holders generally within 3 years of graduation
3. With outstanding achievements

Contact us:
Electronics Science and Technology: Prof. Zhan     yqzhan@fudan.edu.cn

Information and Communication Technology:Prof. Xu        fengxu@fudan.edu.cn
Optical Engineering:   Prof. Zhao     hbzhao@fudan.edu.cn
Intelligence Science and Technology:   Prof. Chi       nanchi@fudan.edu.cn


School of Information Science and Technology

The School of Information Science and Technology (SIST) is one of the largest schools of Fudan. SIST has long been at the forefront of groundbreaking research and innovation through the applications of engineering as well as interdisciplinary fields of information and technology. SIST is a home of over 180 Faculty members and 2300 students.

Since its foundation in 2000, SIST has reaped remarkable successes in the pursuit of innovation and excellence, and now consists of six departments, including: Electronic engineering, Optical science and engineering, Communication science and engineering, Light sources and illuminating engineering, Micro-nano system, and Biomedical Engineering.

SIST continuously attracts top researchers home and abroad, thereby enhancing its international influence and competitiveness. The School endeavors to achieve its goals of cultivating outstanding talents, carrying out cutting-edge research and promoting favorable development of the nation’s IT industry, and has become internationally influential and nationally leading in electronic information science and technology.


Institute of Optoelectronics

Institute of Optoelectronics (https://ioe.fudan.edu.cn/) is an interdisciplinary research institute of Fudan University. It was launched in January 2021 by Prof. Junhao Chu, Academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Institute of Optoelectronics aims of building up the interdisciplinary research platform with a highlight on optoelectronic science and technology. The institute currently includes 4000 m3 of highly bespoke research space, including research sources from Department of Materials Science, School of Information Science and Technology, etc. The institute currently involves 2 academicians of Chinese Academy of Sciences and 6 Chinese national-level talents, and is expected to build a high-level interdisciplinary research center, with 8000 m3 occupancy and 200 research scientists/faculties in the near future.

Institute of Optoelectronics follows Chinese national demand of importance on science technology and focuses on interdisciplinary research for new materials, new theory, new structures, and associated innovation of emerging optoelectronic devices. The institute investigates the next generation of optoelectronic research among artificial intelligence, smart energy devices, and construction of digital earth, develops the interdisciplinary mechanisms of relevance to light, electricity, magnetism, heat, acoustics and biology, and explores the prospective/strategic research directions. The institute is engaged in further advancing high-impact academic results, high-performance functional systems and core contents of science technology, serving to facilitate development of materials science, optical engineering, electronic engineering technology and integrated circuit.

Our ultimate goal is to investigate optoelectronic materials, devices and integrated circuit systems, and encourage innovation in these fields. Specifically, we are dedicated to inventing scientific rules from 0 to 1, developing from 1 to 10 and providing a research foundation for future efforts from 10 to 100. Based on these aims and objectives, the institute has given top priority to cultivating high-level self-motivated young talents and making significant world-wide contributions to the growing challenges of optoelectronic science and technology.

The major research directions of Institute of Optoelectronics contain:

1. Experimental and theoretical research for multi-field coupling;
2. Emerging functional materials and devices;
3. Advanced optoelectronic physic devices;
4. Smart electronic devices;
5. Artificial intelligence system and associated applications.