MicroLEDs for Digital Displays and Lighting


报告题目:Micro-LEDs for Digital Displays and Lighting

报告人:Martin Dawson







Fast response, high-brightness and high resolution display technology based on micro-pixel gallium nitride LEDs is currently the subject of major worldwide research and commercial interest. This device technology interfaces directly to Si-CMOS drive electronics and can operate in multiple spatio-temporal modulation modes in parallel. This offers a convergence of display, navigation, tracking, imaging, ranging and communications functions which significantly broadens the very definition of display technology and connects displays to the emerging digitalization of lighting. We will review the pertinent characteristics, capabilities and applications of this novel format of electronic visual display technology.





Martin Dawson 教授,20多年前协助创立斯特拉斯克莱德大学光子学研究所,现担任该研究所主任。2012年至今,他还担任英国第一家Fraunhofer研究中心——Fraunhofer应用光子学中心负责人。Dawson教授以其在激光和化合物半导体方面的工作而闻名,并被公认为VECSEL半导体激光和氮化镓Micro LED技术的先驱。在后一领域,他共同创立了mLED有限公司,该公司于2016年被一家大型跨国公司收购。Dawson教授发表了800多篇学术期刊和会议论文,并获得IEEEOSA、英国物理研究所( IOP )和爱丁堡皇家学会(苏格兰国家学院)的院士(Fellow)等称号。除此,他还获得过IOP Dennis Gabor奖,以及 IEEE 光子学会的Aron Kressel奖,并在2015年至2018年期间担任IEEE光子学会会议的副主席。