Department of Communication Science and Engineering
Professional Title:Professor
Position:School Vice Dean, Vice Director of Key Lab for Information Science of EMWs
Visiting Address:2005 Songhu Rd
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Curriculum Vitae
Prof. XU Feng
Feng Xu received the B.E. with honor in Information Engineering from Southeast University, Nanjing, China and the Ph.D. with honor in Electronic Engineering from Fudan University, Shanghai, China, in 2003 and 2008, respectively. From 2008 to 2010, he was a postdoctoral fellow with the NOAA Center for Satellite Application and Research (STAR), Camp Springs, MD. From 2010 to 2013, he was with at Intelligent Automation Inc. Rockville MD, while partly working for NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD as a research scientist. He returned to Fudan University in June 2013, where he currently serves as a professor and the vice dean of the school of information science and technology and the vice director of the MoE Key Lab for Information Science of Electromagnetic Waves.
He has published more than 70 papers in peer-reviewed journals, co-authored 3 books, and 2 patents, among many conference papers. Among other honors, he was awarded the second-class National Nature Science Award of China in 2011. He was the 2014 recipient of the Early Career Award of IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society and the 2007 recipient of the SUMMA graduate fellowship in the advanced electromagnetics area. He currently serves as a topical associate editor for IEEE Trans. Geoscience and Remote Sensing and a voting member of IEEE GRSS AdCom. He is the founding chair of IEEE GRSS Shanghai Chapter
Research Interests
His current research interests include deep learning and data science as applied to remote sensing, fast electromagnetic modeling for complicated target and environments, SAR information retrieval and intelligent imagery intepretation.
Academic Positions
Associate Editor of IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters (2014-2021)
Topical Associate Editor of IEEE Trans. Geoscience and Remote Sensing (2021-)
Editorial Committee Member of IEEE Spectrum (Chinese Version), Science in China F, Information Series, Journal of Electronics and Information Technology, Journal of Radars, Chinese Journal of Radio Science
Guest Editor of Science of China Information Series “Deep learning in remote sensing image processing”
Guest Editor of IEEE GRSL special stream “Future technologies for remote sensing with synthetic aperture radar”
Guest Editor of IEEE GRSL special stream “Remote Sensing with Intelligent Processing”
Guest Editor of IEEE JSTARS special issue “Gaofen Challenge 2020”
Guest Editor of IEEE JSTARS special issue “CAADAR >>>”
Guest Editor of IEEE JSTARS special issue “SAR/InSAR...”
Guest Editor of International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation special issue "deep learning for environmental sensing"
Voting Member of IEEE GRSS AdCom (2020-2022)
Founding Chair of IEEE GRSS Shanghai Chapter (recognized with Chapter Excellence Award)
Senior Member of IEEE, GRSS, APS
Member of American Metrology Society (AMS)
Full Member of Sigma Xi
Member of IEEE GRSS Special Award Committee
IEEE GRSS Liaison to China, Chair of GRSS China 2030 Committee
Editorial Champion of IEEE Remote Sensing Code Library (RSCL)
Tutorial Lecturer of IGARSS 2018 at Valencia and IGARSS 2019 Yokohoma “Earth Observation Big Data Intelligence: theory and practice of deep learning and big data mining”
Speaker of IGARSS Summer School 2016 at Beijing “InSAR/PolSAR Principles and Applications”
PI of JAXA/ALOS2 Research: “Monitoring land cover changes using high resolution polarimetric interferometric SAR images”
Co-I of DLR/TerraSAR-X Research: “Tomography and SAR Image Processing for Urban Mapping: Case Studies of Shanghai and Qingdao of China”
Member of the ST-VAL group of GHRSST
Co-Chair of CISS 2018, China-International SAR Symposium
Technical Program Co-Chair, IEEE International Wireless Symposium 2020 Shanghai
TPC Chair of RSIP 2017 International Workshop on Remote Sensing with Intelligent Processing
TPC Member for IEEE RadarCon 2020; APSAR2015, Singapore; IMWS-AMP 2015, Suzhou China; IGARSS 2016, Beijing.
Senior Program Committee (SPC) member for IJCAI / 2020 The 30th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence
Session chair for URSI-GASS 2020; IGARSS 2011, Vancouver BC; URSI-GASS 2014 Beijing China; APSAR2015, Singapore; IGARSS 2015, Milan; IGARSS 2016, Beijing; IGARSS 2018, Valencia; IGARSS 2020, Online.
Keynote Speaker of IEEE Signal Processing Symposium (SPSympo), 2021, Warsaw
Keynote Speaker of CISS 2018, China-International SAR Symposium
Keynote Speaker of the 12th China National Radio Propagation Symposium
Chair of the 2nd Young Scientist Forum of Journal of Radars
Invited Talk by IGARSS 2018; IGARSS 2017; APSAR 2015, Singapore; PIERS 2016, Shanghai; EMTS 2016, Espoo Finland; IEEE ICMMT 2020, Shanghai; IGARSS 2021, online;
2021, Best Reviewer for IEEE Trans. Geoscience Remote Sensing
2021, Best paper of CIE
2020, Excellency for Technological Achievement, Huawei Tech Co.
2020, Excellent Editorial of Science of China Information Series
2020, Highly cited paper of Journal of Radars
2019, Champion of Tianzi Cup on AI challenge for remote sensing image interpretation
2019, Science and Technology Innovation Leader, National Ten-Thousand Talent Program
2018, Innovation Leaders Talent Program, China Ministry of Science and Technology
2018, Excellent Young Scholar, Natural Science Foundation of China
2017, Chair of Chapter Excellence Award, IEEE GRSS
2015, Exceptional Service Award NOAA-CSU Cooperative Institute for Research in Atmosphere
2014, International Union of Radio Science (URSI) Young Scientist Award
2014, Early Career Award from IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society
2012, Certificate of Recognition from NASA-NOAA Joint Polarorbit Satellite System Program
2011, Second class National Natural Science Award of China
2010, First class ‘Natural Science Award’, Ministry of Education of China
2008, Awarded ‘Hildegard Maier Research Fellowship’ of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation
2007, SUMMA graduate fellowship for PhD students in Advanced Electromagnetic Area. (one recipient per year worldwide,
2006, Nominated and ranked among the best three for ‘Transaction Prize Paper’ of IEEE Geoscience Remote Sensing Society
2006, IGARSS Travel Grant & One of the 10 finalists of IGARSS’06 student paper competition
2004, Conference Prize Paper of the 10th Youth Scholar Conference of CIE (China Institute of Electronics)
Education and Working Experience
2003, B.E. with honor in Information Engineering from Southeast University, Nanjing, China
2008, Ph.D. with honor in Electronic Engineering from Fudan University, Shanghai, China
2008-2010, Postdoctoral fellow with the NOAA Center for Satellite Application and Research (STAR), Camp Springs, MD
2010-2012, Research Scientist, Intelligent Automation Inc. Rockville MD & NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD
2012-2013, Senior Research Scientist, Intelligent Automation Inc. Rockville MD
2013-present, Professor, school of information science and technology, vice director of the MoE Key Lab for Information Science of Electromagnetic Waves.
Artificial Intelligence (Graduate)
Machine Learning (Undergraduate)
Digitial Circiuts (Undergraduate)
[1]. S. Li, Z. Liu, S. Fu, Y. Wang, F.Xu, Intelligent Beamforming via Physics-Inspired Neural Networks on Programmable Metasurface, IEEE Trans. Antenna Propagation, 2022
[2]. X. Zhang, F. Xu, Coherent Spatially Varying Bidirectional Scattering Distribution Function of Rough Surface, IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., 2022
[3]. Xian Sun et al., FAIR1M: A Benchmark Dataset for Fine-grained Object Recognition in High-Resolution Remote Sensing Imagery, ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
[4]. F. Xue and F. Xu, Allometric Vegetation Modeling and SAR Image Simulation for Polarimetry and Interferometry, IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., 2022
[5]. Q. Song, F. Xu, X. Zhu, Y.-Q. Jin, Learning to Generate SAR Images with Adversarial Autoencoder, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2021
[6]. X. Zhu et al., Deep learning meets SAR: concepts, models, pitfalls, and perspectives, IEEE Geosci. Remote Sensing Magazine, 2021
[7]. Y. Sui et al., Sparse Reconstruction of 3-D Regional Ionospheric Tomography Using Data From a Network of GNSS Reference Stations, IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., 2022
[8]. Z. Xia et al., Person Identification with Millimeter-Wave Radar in Realistic Smart Home Scenarios, IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 2022
[9]. F. Hu, et al., System Concepts and Potential Applications of a Tri-Beam Spaceborne SAR Mission, IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., 2022
[10]. Xiaowei Hu, et al., MDLI-Net: Model Driven Learning Imaging Network for High-Resolution Microwave Imaging with Large Rotating Angle and Sparse Sampling, IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., 2021
[11]. Xian Sun et al., Automated High-resolution Earth Observation Image Interpretation: Outcome of the 2020 Gaofen Challenge, IEEE JSTARS, 2021
[12]. H. C. Jia, Adaptive Component Discrimination Network for Airplane Detection in Remote Sensing Images, IEEE JSTARS, 2021
[13]. X. Z. Shi, et al. Object-level Semantic Segmentation on the High-Resolution Gaofen-3 FUSAR-Map Dataset, IEEE JSTARS, 2021
[14]. H. Y. Xu, F. Xu and Y.Q. Jin, Variable Resolution SAR Imaging Mode with the Principle of Maximum Mutual Information, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2021
[15]. Tang W. and F. Xu, A Noniterative Radix-8 CORDIC Algorithm with Low Latency and High Efficiency, Electronics, 2020
[16]. Yasir et all, Dual-band multi-bit programmable reflective metasurface unit cell: design and experiment, Optic Express, 2021
[17]. J. J. Zhang, W. Hong, Feng Xu, Y.-Q. Jin, “On the model of polarimetric SAR calibration using distributed targets”, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2020.
[18]. S. Li, Feng Xu, X. Wan, T. J. Cui, Y.-Q. Jin, “Programmable Metasurface Based on Substrate-Integrated Waveguide for Compact Dynamic-Pattern Antenna,” IEEE Transactions on Antenna and Propagation, 2020
[19]. S. Fu, Feng Xu and Y.-Q. Jin, “Reciprocal Translation between SAR and Optical Remote Sensing Images with Cascaded-Residual Adversarial Networks”, Science China Information Sciences, 2021
[20]. Q. Guo, H. Wang, Feng Xu, “Scattering Enhanced Attention Pyramid Network for Aircraft Detection in SAR Images,” IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2020.
[21]. Zhaoyang Xia, Yixiang Luomei, Chenglong Zhou, and Feng Xu, “Multi-dimensional Feature Representation and Learning for Robust Hand-Gesture Recognition on Commercial Millimeter-wave Radar”, IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., 2020.
[22]. D-X Yue, F. Xu A. Frery and Y.-Q. Jin, SAR Image Statistical Modeling Part I: Single-Pixel Statistical Modeling, IEEE Geoscience Remote Sensing Magazine, 2020
[23]. D-X Yue, F. Xu A. Frery and Y.-Q. Jin, SAR Image Statistical Modeling Part II: Spatial Correlation Models and Simulation, IEEE Geoscience Remote Sensing Magazine, 2020
[24]. Niutao Liu et al. A Numerical Model of CPR of Rough Surface With Discrete Scatterers for Analysis of Mini‐RF Data, Radio Science, 2020
[25]. Z. Zhu H. Zhang F. Xu– Raw Signal Simulation of Synthetic Aperture Radar Altimeter Over Complex Terrain Surfaces, Radio Science, 2020
[26]. X. Hou et al. FUSAR-Ship: Building a high-resolution SAR-AIS matchup dataset of Gaofen-3 for ship detection and recognition, Science of China Information Science, 2020
[27]. Yasir et al. Multi-bit Dielectric Coding Metasurface for EM Wave Manipulation and Perfect Anomalous Reflection, Optic Express 2020
[28]. Z. Zhu and F. Xu, Demonstration of 3D Security Imaging at 24GHz with a 1D Sparse MIMO Array, IEEE Geosci. Remote Sens. Lett., 2020
[29]. D.-X. Yue F. Xu A. Frery and Y.-Q. Jin, A Generalized Gaussian Coherent Scatterer Model for Correlated SAR Texture “, IEEE Trans Geosci. Remote Sens., 2020
[30]. F. Xue X. Wang F. Xu and R. Wang: “Polarimetric SAR Interferometry A Tutorial for Analyzing System Parameters”, IEEE Geosci Remote Sens Magazine, 2020
[31]. Q. Song, H. Chen, F. Xu and T.J.Cui, “EM Simulation-Aided Zero-Shot Learning for SAR Automatic Target Recognition”, in IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, 2019
[32]. W. Ao, Y. Fu, X. Hou, F. Xu, “Needles in a haystack: tracking city-scale moving vehicles from continuously moving satellite”, IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 2019
[33]. Z. Zhu, L. Kuang, F. Xu, “Microwave Imaging of Non-Rigid Moving Target Using 2D Sparse MIMO Array”, IEEE Access, 2019
[34]. Y. Saifullah, A. B. Waqas, G. Yang, F. Zhang and F. Xu, "4-bit Optimized Coding Metasurface for Wideband RCS Reduction," in IEEE Access 2019. doi: 10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2937849
[35]. H. Bi, F. Xu, et al., “An Active Deep Learning Approach for Minimally Supervised PolSAR Image Classification”, IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., 2019
[36]. S. Li, Z. Zhu, H. Wang and F. Xu, "3D Virtual Urban Scene Reconstruction From a Single Optical Remote Sensing Image," in IEEE Access, vol. 7, pp. 68305-68315, 2019
[37]. X. Wang and F. Xu, “A PolinSAR Inversion Error Model on Polarimetric System Parameters for Forest Height Mapping”, IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., 2019
[38]. J. Yuan, H. Ye, F. Xu, “Interferometric Angular Decorrelation Analysis of 1-D Rough Surface With Pencil Beam Incidence”, IEEE Geosci. Remote Sensing Lett., 2018
[39]. D.-X. Yue, F. Xu and Y.-Q. Jin, “SAR despeckling neural network with logarithmic convolutional product model”, International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2018, vol. 39, no.21, pp.7483-7505
[40]. L. Li, M. Hurtado, Feng Xu, B.C. Zhang, T. Jin, T.J. Cui, M. Nikolic Stevanovic and A. Nehorai (2018), "A Survey on the Low-Dimensional-Model-based Electromagnetic Imaging", Foundations and Trends in Signal Processing: Vol. 12: No. 2, pp 107-199. 2018
[41]. W. Ao, Feng Xu, Y. Li, H. Wang, “Detection and Discrimination of Ship Targets in Complex Background from Spaceborne ALOS2 SAR Image”, IEEE Journal Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observation and Remote Sensing, 11( 2), pp. 536-550, 2018
[42]. Q. Song, Feng Xu, “Radar Image Colorization: Converting Single-Polarization to Fully Polarimetric Using Deep Neural Networks”, IEEE Access, 6, pp. 1647-1661 , 2018.
[43]. F. Wang, Feng Xu and Y.Q. Jin, “Three-Dimensional Reconstruction From a Multiview Sequence of Sparse ISAR Imaging of a Space Target,” IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., 56(2), pp. 611 – 620, 2018.
[44]. X. Zhu, D. Tuia, L. Mou, G. Xia, L. Zhang, F. Xu, F. Fraundorfer, “Deep Learning in Remote Sensing”, IEEE Geoscience Remote Sensing Magazine, 5(4), pp. 8-36, 2017.
[45]. X. Wang, Feng Xu and Y.Q. Jin, “Iterative Reweighted Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers for Separating Structural Layovers in SAR Tomography”, IEEE Geosci. Remote Sens. Lett., 14(11), pp. 1883 - 1887 , 2017.
[46]. H. Sun, M. Shimada, Feng Xu, “Recent Advances in Synthetic Aperture Radar Remote Sensing – Systems, Data Processing, and Applications”, IEEE Geosci. Remote Sens. Lett., 14(11), pp. 2013-2016, 2017.
[47]. Q. Song, Feng Xu, “Zero-Shot Learning of SAR Target Feature Space with Deep Generative Neural Networks”, IEEE Geosci. Remote Sens. Lett., 14(12), pp. 2245 – 2249, 2017.
[48]. D.X. Yue, Feng Xu and Y.Q. Jin, “Wishart-Bayesian Reconstruction of QuadPol from CompactPol SAR Image”, IEEE Geosci. Remote Sens. Lett. , 14(9),pp. 1623-1627, 2017.
[49]. Feng Xu, Q. Song and Y.Q. Jin, "Polarimetric SAR Image Factorization", IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens. , 55(9), pp. 5026-5041, 2017.
[50]. Feng Xu and P. Wang, “Analytic Modeling of Rough Surface SAR Images under Small Perturbation Approximation”, IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., 55(7), pp. 3694-3707, 2017.
[51]. Z. Zhang, H. Wang, Feng Xu and Y.Q. Jin, "Complex-Valued Convolutional Neural Network and Its Application in Polarimetric SAR Image Classification", IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens. , 55(12), pp. 7177 -7188, 2017
[52]. Feng Xu and Alexander Ignatov, “Error Characterization in iQuam SSTs Using Triple Collocations with Satellite Measurements”, Geophys. Res. Letters, 43(20), 2016
[53]. Feng Xu, Y.Q. Jin and A. Moreira, “A Preliminary Study on SAR Advanced Information Retrieval and Scene Reconstruction”, IEEE Geosci. Remote Sens. Letters, 13(10), pp. 1443- 1447, 2016.
[54]. Feng Xu, Y. Li and Y.Q. Jin, “Polarimetric–Anisotropic Decomposition and Anisotropic Entropies of High-Resolution SAR Images”, IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., 54(9), pp. 5467-5482 , 2016.
[55]. H. Su, Feng Xu, S. Lu and Y.Q. Jin, “Iterative ADMM for Inverse FE-BI Problem: A Potential Solution to Radio Tomography of Asteroids”, IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., 9(7), pp. 2891-2900, 2016.
[56]. S. Chen, H. Wang, Feng Xu and Y.Q. Jin, “Target Classification Using the Deep Convolutional Networks for SAR Images”, IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., 54(8), pp.4806-4817, 2016.
[57]. H. Wang, Feng Xu and S. Chen, “Saliency Detector based on Pattern Recurrence”, IEEE J Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 2016, In Press
[58]. Y. Zhou, H. Wang, Feng Xu and Y.Q. Jin, “Polarimetric SAR Image Classification Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks”, IEEE Geosci. Remote Sens. Lett., 13(12), pp.1935-1939, 2016.
[59]. Y. Li, H. Wang, H. Zhang and F. Xu, “Anisotropic Analysis of Polarimetric Scattering and Case Studies with UAVSAR Images”, Int’l Journal of Remote Sensing, 37(21), pp. 5176-5195, 2016.
[60]. Feng Xu et al., “A backscattering model of rainfall over rough sea surface for synthetic aperture radar,” IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., 53(6), pp.3042-3054, 2015
[61]. Feng Xu et al., “Impact of Cross-Polarization Isolation on Polarimetric Target Decomposition and Target Detection”, Radio Science, 50(4), pp 327-338, 2015
[62]. L. Kuang, Feng Xu, et al. “Relativistic FDTD analysis of far-field scattering of a high-speed moving object”, IEEE Antenna and Wireless Propgatation Letters, 14, pp. 879-882, 2015
[63]. X. Wang, Feng Xu, Y.Q. Jin, “Numerical simulation of tomographic-SAR imaging and object reconstruction using compressive sensing with L1/2-norm regularization,” Chinese Science Bulletin, 2014
[64]. S. Chen, H. Wang, Feng Xu and Y.Q. Jin, “Automatic Recognition of Isolated Buildings on Single-Aspect SAR Image Using Range Detector,” IEEE Geosci. Remote Sens. Letters, 12(2):219-223, Feb. 2015
[65]. Feng Xu and A. Ignatov, “In situ SST quality monitor (iQuam),” J. Atmos. Oceanic. Tech., vol. 31, no. 1, 2014
[66]. Feng Xu and M. Deshpande, "Iterative Nonlinear Tikhonov Algorithm With Constraints for Electromagnetic Tomography," IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, vol.5, no.3, pp.707,716, June 2012 doi: 10.1109/JSTARS.2012.2193117
[67]. Feng Xu and A. Ignatov, “Evaluation of in situ sea surface temperatures for use in the calibration and validation of satellite retrievals,” J. Geophys. Res., 115, C09022, doi:10.1029/2010JC006129, 2010.
[68]. Feng Xu and Y.-Q. Jin, "Raw signal processing of stripmap bistatic synthetic aperture radar," IET Radar, Sonar & Navigation, vol. 3, no.3, pp. 233-244, Jun 2009
[69]. Feng Xu and Y.-Q. Jin, "Bidirectional Analytic Ray Tracing for Fast Computation of Composite Scattering from An Electric-Large Target over Randomly Rough Surface", IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 2009, 57(5): 1-11
[70]. Feng Xu and Y.-Q. Jin, "Calibration and Validation of a Set of Multi-Aspect Airborne Polarimetric Pi-SAR Data", International Journal of Remote Sensing, 2008, 29(23): 6801-6810
[71]. Feng Xu and Y.-Q. Jin, "Imaging simulation of bistatic synthetic aperture radar and its polarimetric analysis," IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, vol.46, no.8 pp.2233-2248, Aug 2008
[72]. Feng Xu and Y.-Q. Jin, "Automatic reconstruction of building objects from multi-aspect meter-resolution SAR images," IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, vol.45, no.7 pp.2336-2353, July 2007
[73]. Feng Xu and Y.-Q. Jin, "Imaging simulation of polarimetric SAR for a comprehensive terrain scene using the mapping and projection algorithm," IEEE Transaction on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, vol.44, no.11 pp.3219- 3234, Nov. 2006
[74]. Feng Xu and Y.-Q. Jin, "Multiparameter inversion of a layer of vegetation canopy over rough surface from the system response function based on the mueller matrix solution of pulse echoes," IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, vol.44, no.7 pp. 2003- 2015, July 2006
[75]. Feng Xu and Y.-Q. Jin, "Deorientation theory of polarimetric scattering targets and application to terrain surface classification," IEEE Transaction on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, vol.43, no.10 pp. 2351- 2364, Oct. 2005
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