The School of Information Science and Technology (SIST) at Fudan University invites applications for several tenure-track or tenured faculty positions at the associate and full professor levels. Interested research areas include (but not limited to) the following areas:
- Micro-nano Systems: neuromorphic computing and artificial intelligence, wireless sensing and smart electronics, Microelectronic and Photoelectronic Devices, microwave and RF power electronics, flexible and printable electronics, micro-nano fabrication and integration, navigation and positioning technology
- Circuits and Systems: Complex network and system control, sensor network and signal processing, intelligent image and information system, human dynamics and social computation, swarm intelligent system, unmanned aircraft control theory and engineering
- Biomedical Engineering: digital health techniques, medical ultrasonics, medical imaging and image processing, ECG or EEG analysis and processing, medical electronic system, body sensor networks, physiological and behavioral data sensing and processing, flexible sensing, sleep monitoring, health informatics
- Physical Electronics: wide-band-gap semiconductor materials and devices, optoelectronics, organic light-emitting electronics, nanophotonics, solid state lighting, facility agriculture, vision and ergonomics, healthcare lighting, plasma technology and application, thermal management of LED, energy Internet, smart electronics, power electronics
- Communication: wireless and mobile communications, optical communication and sensing, communication signal processing, wireless multimedia, space and satellite communication, software defined networks, underwater communication, and smart cities applications
- Optical Engineering: precision optical manufacturing, optical measurement,opto-mechanical design & FEA, bio-photonics such as single molecule detection & 3D imaging, VR/AR, space solar energy, digital optics, Ultra-precision Optical Manufacturing, Opto-electronic Device and System
- Electromagnetic Field & Wave: microwave remote sensing, computational electromagnetics, radar signal processing, image processing & information sensing, wireless power transmission, space communication, microwave circuit and systems
Successful candidates must have a Ph.D. degree from a reputed university, a demonstrated strong research expertise in their discipline, excellent communication skills and a commitment to graduate and undergraduate teaching.
Fudan University is a top-ranked university in China. The SIST consists of Departments of Electronics Engineering, Optical Science and Engineering, Communication, Lighting Engineering and Micro- Nano systems. The school has developed a strong educational system covering undergraduate, graduate and the professional degree programs, and centers of excellence for electromagnetic wave, micro-nano systems, medical electronics, and advanced lighting etc. More information can be found at
Fudan University offers highly internationally competitive salaries and benefits. Candidates interested are invited to provide a Curriculum Vitae, research and teaching statements and the names/email addresses of three references to