Department of Electronic Engineering
Professional Title:Professor
Position:Chair of Department of Electronic Engineering
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Curriculum Vitae
Prof. GU Xiaodong
Prof. Xiaodong Gu received his Ph.D degree in Signal and Information Processing, Peking (Beijing) University in June 2003. From Aug. 2003 to Jul. 2005, He had been a Postdoctoral Fellow with Electronic Science and Technology Postdoctoral Research Station, and Department of Electronic Engineering, Fudan University. From Apr. 2006 to Dec. 2013, he had been an associate professor with Department of Electronic Engineering, Fudan University. From Jan.2009 to Mar.2009, he had been a Guest Professor with Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan. From Aug.2010 to Sep. 2011, he had been a Visiting Fellow with Princeton University , USA . In Dec. 2013 , he became a full professor with Department of Electronic Engineering, Fudan University. Since 2014 he has been serving as an Editorial Board Member of 'Neural Networks'. He has published more than 150 academic papers, one monograph and four coauthored books. His academic papers have been cited in Google Scholar more than one thousand times.He has been being Principal Investigators of ten research projects and vice Principal Investigators of many other projects. His four patents were awarded . He was the recipient of 2003 Excellent Graduate of Peking University , the recipient of 2005 Excellent Dissertation Award of Peking University, and the recipient of 2007 Excellent Postdoctoral Fellow of Fudan University (10/553).He was awarded 25th Shanghai Excellent Invention Trials Silver Award (Third place). He was awarded 2016 Shanghai Natural Science third-class Award (First place), etc.
Research Fields
His research interests include (1) pulse coupled neural network, (2)artificial neural networks, (3) deep learning, (4)brain-inspired models,(5) image processing, (6)hand vein recognition,(7)pattern recognition,(8) social networks ,(9) machine learning, etc.
Selected Publications
(His academic papers have been cited in Google Scholar more than 1,600 times.H:21)
Qingrong Cheng,Xiaodong Gu*. Bridging Multimedia Heterogeneity Gap via Graph Representation Learning for Cross-modal Retrieval. Neural Networks,2021,134:143-162. DOI 10.1016/j.neunet.2020.11.011.(SCI)
Qingrong Cheng,Xiaodong Gu*.Cross-modal Feature Alignment based Hybrid Attentional Generative Adversarial Networks for text-to-image synthesis.Digital Signal Processing,2020, 107, DOI:
Mengmeng Liao,Xiaodong Gu*.Subspace clustering based on alignment and graph embedding.Knowledge Based Systems.2020,188 ,ID105029.(SCI)
Jinyu Ma,Xiaodong Gu*.Scene Image Retrieval with Siamese Spatial Attention Pooling, Neurocomputing, 2020, 412:252-261.(SCI)
Ding Qin,Xiaodong Gu*.Single-image super-resolution with multilevel residual attention network,Neural Computing & Applications,2020,32(9):15615-15628.(SCI)
Lecheng Zhou,Xiaodong Gu*.Embedding topological features into convolutional neural network salient object detection. Neural Networks, 2020,121: 308-318.(SCI)
Mengmeng Liao,Xiaodong Gu*.Face recognition approach by subspace extended sparse representation and feature learning.Neurocomputing. 2020, 373:35-49.(SCI)
Mengmeng Liao,Changzhi Wang, Xiaodong Gu*. Algorithm using supervised subspace learning and nonlocal representation for pose variation recognition. IET Computer Vision 2020: 14 (7), 528-537. (SCI)
Qingrong Cheng, Xiaodong Gu*.Deep Attentional Fine-grained Similarity Network with Adversarial Learning for Cross-modal Retrieval. Multimedia Tools and Applications,2020, 79 (41): 31401-31428. (SCI)
Lecheng Zhou,Xiaodong Gu*.Deep supervised visual saliency model addressing low-level features.Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing.2019, (SCI)
Mengmeng Liao,Xiaodong Gu*. Face recognition based on dictionary learning and subspace learning.Digital Signal Processing,2019,90:110-124 (SCI)
Mengmeng Liao,Xiaodong Gu*.Face recognition algorithm based on feature descriptor and weighted linear sparse representation.IET Image Processing. 13 (12), 2281-2293. (SCI)
Mengmeng Liao,Xiaodong Gu*. Face recognition using feature coding and non local constraint-based sparse representation classifier.Journal of Electronic Imaging,2018,27(5), 18 pages. Article number: 053050. (SCI)
Mengmeng Liao,Xiaodong Gu*. Hybrid classification approach using extreme learning machine and sparse representation classifier with adaptive threshold.IET Signal Processing,2018,12(7):811-818. (SCI)
Youcai zhang, Jiayao Cao,Xiaodong Gu*.Learning Cross-modal Aligned Representation with Graph Embedding.IEEE Access ,2018, 6, 77321-77333. (SCI)
Xiaodong Gu*,Yiwei Gu, Haibing Wu. Cascaded convolutional neural networks for aspect-based opinion summary.Neural Processing Letters,2017,46(2):581-594. (SCI)
Haibing Wu,Xiaodong Gu*,Yiwei Gu. Balancing between over-weighting and under-weighting in supervised term weighting.Information Processing and Management,2017,53(2):547-557.
Haibing Wu,Xiaodong Gu*. Towards dropout training for convolutional neural networks.Neural Networks, 2015, 71:1-10.(SCI,Web of Science核心集合中引用37次,Google Scholar中引用68次)
Zhaohui Meng,Xiaodong Gu*.Hand vein identification using local Gabor ordinal measure.Journal of Electronic Imaging.2014,23(5), 053004.(SCI)
Xiaodong Gu*,Yu Fang, Yuanyuan Wang. Attention selection using global topological properties based on pulse coupled neural network.Computer Vision and Image Understanding, 2013, 117 :1400-1411. (SCI)
Zhaohui Meng,Xiaodong Gu*. Palm-Dorsal vein recognition method based on histogram of local Gabor phase XOR pattern with second identification.Journal of Signal Processing Systems, 2013, 73:101-107. (SCI)
Zhaohui Meng,Xiaodong Gu*. Hand vein recognition using local block pattern.Electronics letters,2013,49(25)1614-1615. (SCI)
Yu Ma,Xiaodong Gu,Yuanyuan Wang*.Histogram similarity measure using variable bin size distance.Computer Vision and Image Understanding, 2010, 114 :981-989.( SCI,Web of Science核心集合中引用13次,Google Scholar中引用32次)
Yu Ma,Xiaodong Gu, Yuanyuan Wang*. Color discrimination enhancement for dichromats using self-organizing color transformation.Information Sciences,2009,179:830-843.( SCI,Web of Science核心集合中引用10次,Google Scholar中引用26次)
Chengcai Ma,Xiaodong Gu*,Yuanyuan Wang. Fault diagnosis of power electronic system based on fault gradation and neural network group.Neurocomputing,2009,72: 2909-2914.( SCI,Web of Science核心集合中引用19次,Google Scholar中引用29次)
Yu Ma,Xiaodong Gu, Yuanyuan Wang*. Feature fusion method for edge detection of color images.Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics, 2009, 20(2), 394-399. (SCI)
Xiaodong Gu*. Feature extraction using Unit-linking pulse coupled neural network and its applications.Neural processing letters,2008, 27:25-41.( SCI,Web of Science核心集合中引用26次,Google Scholar中引用54次)
Xiaodong Gu*, Yuanyuan Wang, Liming Zhang. Object detection using Unit-Linking PCNN image icons.Lecture Notes In Computer Science ,2006,3972:616-622. (SCI)
Yu Ma,Xiaodong Gu,YuanYuanWang*. A new color blindness cure model based on BP neural network.Lecture Notes In Computer Science,2006, 3973:740-745. (SCI)
Xiaodong Gu*, Daoheng Yu, Liming Zhang. Image shadow removal using pulse coupled neural network. IEEETrans. on Neural Networks,2005, 16(3): 692-698.( SCI,Web of Science核心集合中引用59次,Google Scholar中引用106次)
Xiaodong Gu*, Liming Zhang. Global icons and local icons of images based Unit-linking PCNN and their application to robot navigation.Lecture Notes In Computer Science,2005,3497:836-841. (SCI)
Xaodong Gu*,Liming Zhang, Daoheng Yu, General design approach to Unit-linking PCNN for image processing. InProc.IJCNN-International Joint Conference on Neural Networks,Montreal, Canada, 2005,pp.1836-1842.(EI, Web of Science核心集合中引用12次,Google Scholar中引用30次)
Xiaodong Gu*, Liming Zhang,Daoheng Yu. Simplified PCNN and its periodic solutions.Lecture Notes In Computer Science, 2004,3173: 26-31. (SCI)
Xiaodong Gu*,Liming Zhang, Daoheng Yu. Delay PCNN and its application for optimization.Lecture Notes In Computer Science ,2004,3173: 413-418. (SCI)
Xiaodong Gu*,Daoheng Yu, Liming Zhang. Image thinning using pulse coupled neural network.Pattern Recognition Letters,2004,25(9):1075-1084.( SCI,Web of Science核心集合中引用42次,Google Scholar中引用86次)
Research Interests
Pulse coupled neural network, spatio-temporal artificial neural networks, brain-inspired models, image processing, pattern recognition
Academic Positions
Editorial Board Member,Neural Networks
2017 Research Award (“Dean Award”) of School of Information Science and Technology, Fudan University
2016, The Third Prize of Shanghai Natural Science (First place, "Signal processing and brain inspired model using PCNN and other intelligent methods")
2013, 25th Shanghai Excellent Invention Trials Silver Award (Third place)
2013 Teaching Award of School of Information Science and Technology, Fudan University
2008 Research Award (“Dean Award”) of School of Information Science and Technology, Fudan University
2007 Teaching Award of School of Information Science and Technology, Fudan University
2007 Excellent Postdoctoral Fellow of Fudan University (10/553)
2005 Excellent Dissertation Award of Peking University (“Research on Pulse Coupled Neural Network and its Applications”)
2005 Yangtze Delta Creativity Second Prize for Young People (One member of the group)
2003 Excellent Graduate of Peking University
2003 Excellent Academic Paper Award in 13th China National Conference on Neural Networks
2002 Excellent Academic Paper Award in 12th China National Conference on Neural Networks
Education and Working Experience
"Fundamentals of Analog Electronics"
“Circuit theory”(2006-2014)
“Artificial neural network models and applications ”
“How to write academic paper in English”
Punlished one monograph, four book chapters and more than 150 academic papers (more than 80 ones cited by SCI/EI) .
Xiaodong Gu. Spatial-temporal-coding Pulse Coupled Neural Network Theory and Applications. Science Press, Beijing, Oct 2017. (313 pages, ISBN 978-7-03-054805-4)
Xiaodong Gu. Autonomous robot navigation using different features and hierarchical discriminant regression. Chapter 6 in“Robot Vision: Strategies, Algorithms and Motion Planning”(ISBN: 978-1-60692-091-6), Nova Science Publishers, 2009,pp.279-300.
Xiaodong Gu. A non-deterministic delay-neural-network-based approach to shortest path computation in Networks. Chapter 6 in“Large Scale Computations, Embedded Systems and Security”(ISBN: 978-1-60741-307-3), Nova Science Publishers, 2010, pp.103-116.
Xiaodong Gu.Orientation and Contour Extraction Model Using Unit-Linking pulse coupled neural networks. Chapter 9 in“Visual Cortex: New Research”(ISBN: 978-1-60456-530-0), Nova Science Publishers, 2008,pp.301-322.
Xiaodong Gu. Spatial-temporal-coding Pulse Coupled Neural Network and its Applications. Chapter 5 in “Neuronal Networks new Horizons” (ISBN: 1-60021-485-1), Nova Science Publishers, 2007, pp.137-179.
Cheng Chen,Xiaodong Gu*. Context-aware network with foreground recalibration for grounding natural language in video. Neural Computing and Applications, 2021, DOI:10.1007/s00521-021-05807-z (SCI)
Zhenshan Tan, Xiaodong Gu*.Depth scale balance saliency detection with connective feature pyramid and edge guidance. Applied Intelligence, 2021, DOI: 10.1007/s10489-020-02150-z (SCI)
Keyu Wen,Xiaodong Gu*,Qingrong Cheng. Learning Dual Semantic Relations with Graph Attention for Image-Text Matching.IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology,2020, DOI 10.1109/TCSVT.2020.3030656.(SCI)
Qingrong Cheng,Xiaodong Gu*. Bridging Multimedia Heterogeneity Gap via Graph Representation Learning for Cross-modal Retrieval. Neural Networks,2020,in Press.(SCI)
Qingrong Cheng,Xiaodong Gu*.Cross-modal Feature Alignment based Hybrid Attentional Generative Adversarial Networks for text-to-image synthesis.Digital Signal Processing,2020, 107, DOI:
Mengmeng Liao,Xiaodong Gu*.Subspace clustering based on alignment and graph embedding.Knowledge Based Systems.2020,188 ,ID105029.(SCI)
Jinyu Ma,Xiaodong Gu*.Scene Image Retrieval with Siamese Spatial Attention Pooling, Neurocomputing, 2020, 412:252-261.(SCI)
Ding Qin,Xiaodong Gu*.Single-image super-resolution with multilevel residual attention network,Neural Computing & Applications,2020,32(9):15615-15628.(SCI)
Lecheng Zhou,Xiaodong Gu*.Embedding topological features into convolutional neural network salient object detection. Neural Networks, 2020,121: 308-318.(SCI)
Mengmeng Liao,Xiaodong Gu*.Face recognition approach by subspace extended sparse representation and feature learning.Neurocomputing. 2020, 373:35-49.(SCI)
Mengmeng Liao,Changzhi Wang, Xiaodong Gu*. Algorithm using supervised subspace learning and nonlocal representation for pose variation recognition. IET Computer Vision 2020: 14 (7), 528-537. (SCI)
Qingrong Cheng, Xiaodong Gu*.Deep Attentional Fine-grained Similarity Network with Adversarial Learning for Cross-modal Retrieval. Multimedia Tools and Applications,2020, 79 (41): 31401-31428. (SCI)
Lecheng Zhou,Xiaodong Gu*.Deep supervised visual saliency model addressing low-level features.Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing.2019, (SCI)
Mengmeng Liao,Xiaodong Gu*. Face recognition based on dictionary learning and subspace learning.Digital Signal Processing,2019,90:110-124 (SCI)
Mengmeng Liao,Xiaodong Gu*.Face recognition algorithm based on feature descriptor and weighted linear sparse representation.IET Image Processing. 13 (12), 2281-2293. (SCI)
Mengmeng Liao,Xiaodong Gu*. Face recognition using feature coding and non local constraint-based sparse representation classifier.Journal of Electronic Imaging,2018,27(5), 18 pages. Article number: 053050. (SCI)
Mengmeng Liao,Xiaodong Gu*. Hybrid classification approach using extreme learning machine and sparse representation classifier with adaptive threshold.IET Signal Processing,2018,12(7):811-818. (SCI)
Youcai zhang, Jiayao Cao,Xiaodong Gu*.Learning Cross-modal Aligned Representation with Graph Embedding.IEEE Access ,2018, 6, 77321-77333. (SCI)
Xiaodong Gu*,Yiwei Gu, Haibing Wu. Cascaded convolutional neural networks for aspect-based opinion summary.Neural Processing Letters,2017,46(2):581-594. (SCI)
Haibing Wu,Xiaodong Gu*,Yiwei Gu. Balancing between over-weighting and under-weighting in supervised term weighting.Information Processing and Management,2017,53(2):547-557.
Haibing Wu,Xiaodong Gu*. Towards dropout training for convolutional neural networks.Neural Networks, 2015, 71:1-10.(SCI,Web of Science核心集合中引用37次,Google Scholar中引用68次)
Zhaohui Meng,Xiaodong Gu*.Hand vein identification using local Gabor ordinal measure.Journal of Electronic Imaging.2014,23(5), 053004.(SCI)
Xiaodong Gu*,Yu Fang, Yuanyuan Wang. Attention selection using global topological properties based on pulse coupled neural network.Computer Vision and Image Understanding, 2013, 117 :1400-1411. (SCI)
Zhaohui Meng,Xiaodong Gu*. Palm-Dorsal vein recognition method based on histogram of local Gabor phase XOR pattern with second identification.Journal of Signal Processing Systems, 2013, 73:101-107. (SCI)
Zhaohui Meng,Xiaodong Gu*. Hand vein recognition using local block pattern.Electronics letters,2013,49(25)1614-1615. (SCI)
Yu Ma,Xiaodong Gu,Yuanyuan Wang*.Histogram similarity measure using variable bin size distance.Computer Vision and Image Understanding, 2010, 114 :981-989.( SCI,Web of Science核心集合中引用13次,Google Scholar中引用32次)
Yu Ma,Xiaodong Gu, Yuanyuan Wang*. Color discrimination enhancement for dichromats using self-organizing color transformation.Information Sciences,2009,179:830-843.( SCI,Web of Science核心集合中引用10次,Google Scholar中引用26次)
Chengcai Ma,Xiaodong Gu*,Yuanyuan Wang. Fault diagnosis of power electronic system based on fault gradation and neural network group.Neurocomputing,2009,72: 2909-2914.( SCI,Web of Science核心集合中引用19次,Google Scholar中引用29次)
Yu Ma,Xiaodong Gu, Yuanyuan Wang*. Feature fusion method for edge detection of color images.Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics, 2009, 20(2), 394-399. (SCI)
Xiaodong Gu*. Feature extraction using Unit-linking pulse coupled neural network and its applications.Neural processing letters,2008, 27:25-41.( SCI,Web of Science核心集合中引用26次,Google Scholar中引用54次)
Xiaodong Gu*, Yuanyuan Wang, Liming Zhang. Object detection using Unit-Linking PCNN image icons.Lecture Notes In Computer Science ,2006,3972:616-622. (SCI)
Yu Ma,Xiaodong Gu,YuanYuanWang*. A new color blindness cure model based on BP neural network.Lecture Notes In Computer Science,2006, 3973:740-745. (SCI)
Xiaodong Gu*, Daoheng Yu, Liming Zhang. Image shadow removal using pulse coupled neural network. IEEETrans. on Neural Networks,2005, 16(3): 692-698.( SCI,Web of Science核心集合中引用59次,Google Scholar中引用106次)
Xiaodong Gu*, Liming Zhang. Global icons and local icons of images based Unit-linking PCNN and their application to robot navigation.Lecture Notes In Computer Science,2005,3497:836-841. (SCI)
Xaodong Gu*,Liming Zhang, Daoheng Yu, General design approach to Unit-linking PCNN for image processing. InProc.IJCNN-International Joint Conference on Neural Networks,Montreal, Canada, 2005,pp.1836-1842.(EI, Web of Science核心集合中引用12次,Google Scholar中引用30次)
Xiaodong Gu*, Liming Zhang,Daoheng Yu. Simplified PCNN and its periodic solutions.Lecture Notes In Computer Science, 2004,3173: 26-31. (SCI)
Xiaodong Gu*,Liming Zhang, Daoheng Yu. Delay PCNN and its application for optimization.Lecture Notes In Computer Science ,2004,3173: 413-418. (SCI)
Xiaodong Gu*,Daoheng Yu, Liming Zhang. Image thinning using pulse coupled neural network.Pattern Recognition Letters,2004,25(9):1075-1084.( SCI,Web of Science核心集合中引用42次,Google Scholar中引用86次)
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