KONG Lingbao

Department of Optical Science and Engineering

Professional Title:Professor



Visiting Address:B3016, X2 Building, 2005 Songhu Rd, Fudan University (Jiangwan Campus)

Tel:+86-21-3124 2565

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Curriculum Vitae

Prof. Dr. L.B. Kong received the B.Eng. and M.Eng. degrees from Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China, and the PhD. degree from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong. His research interests include: Advanced optical manufacturing, process modeling and optimization, freeform machining and measurement, surface characterization, optical measurement, functional structures, multi-sensor measurement, intelligent manufacturing, machine vision, machine learning, etc. Dr. Kong joined Advanced Optical Manufacturing Centre as a Research Assistant in 2004 and then a Research Associate in 2008. He got a visiting scholar to Centre for Precision Technology in Huddersfield University, UK, in 2007. Dr. Kong held a position as a Scientific Officer in Partner State Key Laboratory of Ultra-precision Machining Technology at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University during 2011 to 2015, and a Senior Research Fellow from 2015-2016. Currently Dr. Kong is a Professor  and Director of Shanghai Engineering Center of Ultra-precision Optical Manufacturing  at Fudan University, Shanghai, China. He has published more than 200 research papers in various international journals and conferences, authored /co-authored 4 book chapters, and got a number of granted patents. He was honored with The Technology Progress Award (Second Class) from Ministry of Education of Peoples’ Republic of China in 2010, and Faculty Awards for Outstanding Performance/Achievement 2009/10 in 2010 from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, and 2010 Joseph Whitworth Prize from Institution of Mechanical Engineers, UK, in 2011. He was also an invited young researcher from Asia Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology (ASPEN) in 2011, and got a Merit Paper Award for 60th Anniversary of Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering from Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society in 2013, and got A M Strickland prize from IET of UK in 2017. He is a Research Affiliate of The International Academy for Production Engineering (CIRP), a member of American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) and The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) in USA, a member of The Institution of Engineering  and  Technology (IET)  in  UK, a  senior  member of  Chinese  Mechanical Engineering Society in China, a board member of Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering, a standing Committee member of Committee of Optical Manufacturing Technology, Chinese Optical Society, a board member of Chinese Optical Engineering Society, and an observer member of ISO/TC213 in HKSAR. He also serves as a reviewer for a series of international journals in the areas of precision engineering and advanced optics.

Research Interests

Intelligent Manufacturing;

Smart Machine Vision;

Ultra-precision Mahining Process;

Precision Measurement;

Freeform Optics;

Functional/Bionic Structures.

Academic Positions

Research Affiliate of The International Academy for Production Engineering (CIRP);

Member of American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) and The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) in USA;

Member of The Institution of Engineering  and  Technology (IET)  in  UK;

Senior  member of  Chinese  Mechanical Engineering Society in China;

Board member of Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering;

Standing Committee member of Committee of Optical Manufacturing Technology,COS;

Board member of Chinese Optical Engineering Society;

Observer member of ISO/TC213 in HKSAR.


1)  Geneva Invention Award(Gold Medal& Bronze Medal)(2019)

2)IET A M Strickland Prize, UK(2017).

3)IET Joseph Whitworth Prize, UK(2011).

4)  S&T Prgoress Award (2nd Class), Ministry of Education, China (2009)

Education and Working Experience


1) 1997-2001   Harbin Institute of Technology, B.Eng ;

2) 2001-2004   Harbin Institute of Technology, M.Eng;

3) 2005-2010  The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Ph.D.

Working Experience:

1) 2004-2005 The Hong Kong Polytechnic Unviersity, Research Assistant.

2) 2008-2010 The Hong Kong Polytechnic Unviersity, Research Associate.

3) 2010-2015 The Hong Kong Polytechnic Unviersity, Scientific Officer.

4) 2015-2016 The Hong Kong Polytechnic Unviersity, Senior Research Fellow (PT).

5) 2015-Present  Fudan University, Research Professor.


Matlab Programming and Its Simulation.

Modern Optics Design.

Engineering Graphics and Its Applications.


1. Theoretical and Experimental Studies of Functional Structure Effect on Directional Transport in Bio-microfluidics, Langmuir, 36, 32, 9523–9533 (2020

2. A 3D Measurement Method for Specular Surfaces based on Polarization Image Sequences and Machine Learning. CIRP Annals-Manufacturing Technology, 69(2020)497-500 (2020).

3. Multi-sensor Measurement and Data Fusion Technology for Manufacturing Process Monitoring: A Literature Review. Int. J. Extrem. Manuf. 2 022001(2020).

4. Development of a Light Field Measuring System with Corrected Distortion based on Imaging Analysis, Applied Optics, 59(24):7434-7441 (2020).

5.  A theoretical and experimental investigation of orthogonal slow tool servo machining of wavy microstructured patterns on precision rollers, Precision Engineering, 43:  315-327(2016).

6. Theoretical and Experimental Analysis of the Effect of Error Motions on Surface Generation in Fast Tool Servo Machining,Precision Engineering,2014,38(2),428-438

7. Generalized Form Characterization of Ultra-precision Freeform Surfaces,CIRP Annals- Manufacturing Technology,2012,61(1),527-530

8. Design, Fabrication and Measurement of Ultra-precision Micro-structured Surfaces,Computers & Industrial Engineering,2011,61,216-225

9. Characterization of Surface Generation of Optical Microstructures Using a Pattern and Feature Parametric Analysis Method,Precision Engineering,2010,34,755-766

10. An investigation into surface generation in ultra-precision raster milling,Journal of Materials Processing Technology,2009,209(8),4178-4185

11. A Framework of a Continuous Injection Direct Rolling Process for Precision Manufacturing Plastic Plates with Patterned Microstructures,Key Engineering Materials,2014,625,489-495

12. A Theoretical and Experimental Investigation of Design and Slow Tool Servo Machining of Freeform Progressive Addition Lenses (PAL) for Optometric Applications, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology,2014,72(1-4),33-40

13. A Kinematics and Experimental Analysis of Form Error Compensation in Ultra-precision Machining,International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture,2008,48(12-13),1408-1419

14. Measuring optical freeform surfaces using a coupled reference data method,Measurement Science & Technology,2007,18,2252-2260

15. Modelling and Characterization of Generation of 3D Micro-structured Surfaces with Self-cleaning and Optical Functions,Optik - International Journal for Light and Electron Optics,2013,124,2848-2853

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