
Department of Electronic Engineering

Professional Title:Associate Professor



Visiting Address:


Home Page:http://dspt.fudan.edu.cn/%E5%86%AF%E8%BE%89/

Research Interests

  • Signal Processing

  • Intelligent Electronic System

Academic Positions

Education and Working Experience

  • Ph.D.        E.E. Dept.     Fudan University               01/2014
  • M.S.         E.E. Dept.     Fudan University               06/2006
  • B.S.          E.E. Dept.     Fudan Univerisity              06/2003


  • Undergraduate: Linear Algebra, Introduction to Electronic Systems
  • Graduate: Statistical Learning



[1] Hang Sheng, Hui Feng, Junhao Yu, Feng Ji, Bo Hu, Sampling theory of jointly bandlimited time-vertex graph signals, Signal Processing, Volume 222, 2024, 109522.

[2] W. Liu, H. Feng, F. Ji and B. Hu, "Online Signed Sampling of Bandlimited Graph Signals," in IEEE Transactions on Signal and Information Processing over Networks, vol. 10, pp. 131-146, 2024.

[3] Z. Zong, H. Feng, F. R. Yu, N. Zhao, T. Yang, and B. Hu, "Optimal Transceiver Design for SWIPT in K-User MIMO Interference Channels,"  IEEE Tran. Wireless Commun., vol. 15, no. 1, pp. 430--445, 2016.

[4] X. Shi, H. Feng, M. Zhai, T. Yang, and B. Hu, "Infinite Impulse Response Graph Filters in Wireless Sensor Networks," IEEE Signal Process. Lett., vol.22, no.8, pp.1113--1117, 2015.

[5] L. Liu, H. Feng, T. Yang, and B. Hu, "MIMO-OFDM Wireless Channel Prediction by Exploiting Spatial-Temporal Correlation," IEEE Tran. Wireless Commun., vol. 13, no. 1, pp. 310--319, 2014.


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