GUO Xing

Micro-Nano System Center

Professional Title:Lecturer and Supporting Staff



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Research Interests

Interactive Media and Interaction Design

PBL Teaching Method

Emerging Engineering and Interdisciplinary Engineering Education

Education and Working Experience

2007, Bachelor from the Communication University of China, majoring in Acoustic Engineering

2010, Master from the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Sweden, majoring in Information Technology


  1. Guo, X., Zou, Z., & Zheng, L. R. (2023). THE PRACTICE OF INTERDISCIPLINARITY IN NEW ENGINEERING EDUCATION: CASE STUDIES FROM CHINA’S HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS. INTED2023 Proceedingspp. 7684–7688. https://doi.org/10.21125/inted.2023.2102

  2. 郭星,邹卓,Tapio Salakoski & 郑立荣.(2020).基于多维度逻辑的新工科教学体系设计——以复旦大学中芬联合培养项目为例高等工程教育研究(03),43-48.

  3. Guo, X., Taajamaa, V., Westerlund, T., Zheng, L.R., Tenhunen, H., & Salakoski, T. (2015). A Sino-Finnish Case: What We Have Learned in Launching A Double Master's Degree Programme, EDULEARN15 Proceedings, pp. 1339-1347.

  4. Guo, X., Taajamaa, V., Yang, K., Westerlund, T., Zheng, L. R., Tenhunen, H., & Salakoski, T. (2015). Capstone Bootcamp Concept Catalyzing Problem-based Learning. 11th Int CDIO.

  5. Taajamaa, V., Guo, X., Westerlund, T., Tenhunen, H., & Salakoski, T. (2014). First Evolution of the Introduction to Engineering Course. 10th Int CDIO.

  6. Taajamaa, V., Westerlund, T., Guo, X., Hupli, M., Salanterä, S., & Salakoski, T. (2014). Interdisciplinary Engineering Education-Practice Based Case. In Fourth interdisciplinary engineering design education conference (pp. 31-37). IEEE.

  7. Taajamaa, V., Majanoja, A. M., Bagiati, A., Guo, X., & Leppänen, V. (2017). University Education as a Pathway to Innovation: Perspective on Building Students Innovation Capabilities in Sino-European Education Set-up. Journal of the European Higher Education Area(03).

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