Curriculum Vitae
Prof. YU Jianjun
Research areas
High-speed optical fiber communication, space communication, free-space optical communication, millimeter wave communication, digital signal procession in coherent detection system, millimeter photonics, radio-over-fiber, vector optical/electrical millimeter wave signal generation and transmission.
Research Interests
Optical fiber communications;
millimeter communications;
Thz communications
OSA Fellow
IEEE Fellow
Selected journal papers:
1. Jianjun Yu, X. Li, N. Chi, “Faster than fiber: over 100-Gb/s signal delivery in fiber wireless integration system,” Opt. Express 21 (19): 22885-22904 (2013) (invited)
2. Xinying Li, Jianjun Yu*, et al., “Fiber wireless transmission system of 108-Gb/s data over 80-km fiber and 2x2 MIMO wireless links at 100GHz W-Band frequency”, Opt. Lett., Vol. 37, Issue 24, pp. 5106-5108 (2012).
3. Jianjun Yu, X. Zhou, “Ultra-High-Capacity DWDM transmission system for 100G and beyond”, IEEE Communications Magazine, Vol. 48, No. 3, 2010 , Page(s): S56 - S64 (invited paper).
4. Jianjun Yu, G-K Chang; Z. Jia, A. Chowdhury, M.-F. Huang, H.-C. Chien, Y.-T. Hsueh, W. Jian, C. Liu, Z. Dong; “Cost-Effective Optical Millimeter Technologies and Field Demonstrations for Very High Throughput Wireless-Over-Fiber Access Systems”, J. Lightwave Technology, Vol. 28 , No. 16, 2010: 2376 – 2397 (invited).
5. Jianjun Yu, X. Zhou, S. Gupta, Y.-K. Huang, M.-F. Huang, “A Novel Scheme to Generate 112.8-Gb/s PM-RZ- 64QAM Optical Signal”, IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett., Vol. 22, No. 2, 2010 , Page(s): 115 – 117.
6. Jianjun Yu, X. Zhou, “16x107-Gb/s 12.5-GHz-Spaced PDM-36QAM Transmission Over 400 km of Standard Single-Mode Fiber”, IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett., Vol. 22, No. 17, 2010: 1312 – 1314.
7. Jianjun Yu, X. Zhou, M.-F. Huang,,et al., 400Gb/s (4 × 100Gb/s) orthogonal PDM-RZ-QPSK DWDM Signal Transmission over 1040km SMF-28, Optics Express, 2009, 17(20): p. 17928-17933
8. Jianjun Yu, X. Zhou, M.-F. Huang, High-Speed PDM-RZ-8QAM DWDM Transmission (160 x 114 Gb/s) Over 640 km of Standard Single-Mode Fiber, IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 2009, 21(18), p:1299 – 1301.
9. Jianjun Yu, et al., “Label Erasure Using an Imbalanced NOLM and its Application in a 40Gbit/s Label Switching Optical Network,” IEEE/OSA J. of Lightwave Technology, 2006, 24(1), :p271-276.
10. Jianjun Yu, Z. Jia and G. K. Chang, “Optical Millimeter Wave Generation or Up-conversion Using External Modulator”, IEEE Photon. Technol. Letter, Vol. 18, No. 1, 2006: 265-267.
11. Jianjun Yu, G. K. Chang, A. Chowdhury and J. L. Long, Spectral efficient DWDM optical label/payload generation and transport for next generation internet, IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, 2004, vol. 22, no. 11, 2469-2482.
12. Jianjun Yu, Generation of modified duobinary RZ signals by using one single dual-arm LiNbO3 modulator, IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett., Vol. 15, No. 10, 2003: 1455-1457.
13. Jianjun Yu, K. Kojima, N. Chand and M. Fischer, et al., 10Gb/s transmission over 200km conventional fiber without dispersion compensation using the bias control technique, IEEE Photon. Technol. Lett., Vol. 14, No. 12, Dec. 2002: 1746-1748.
14. Jianjun Yu and P. Jeppesen, Improvement of cascaded semiconductor optical amplifier gates by using holding light injection, IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, 2001, vol. 19, no. 5, pp. 614-623.
15. Jianjun Yu, X. Zheng, C. Peucheret, A. T. Clausen, H. N. Poulsen, P. Jeppesen, All-optical wavelength conversion of short pulses and NRZ signals based on a nonlinear optical loop mirror, IEEE/OSA J. of Lightwave Technol., Vol. 18, No. 7, 2000, pp: 1007-1017.
Selected published papers in top conference Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC) and ECOC as a post deadline paper (PDP)
1) J. Yu*, et al., “160Gb/s single-channel unrepeatered transmission over 200km of nonzero-dispersion shifted fiber”, Europe Conference on ECOC 2002, post deadline paper (PDP): PDP10.
2) G. Chang* and J. Yu, "Multi-rate payload switching using a swappable optical carrier suppressed label in a packet switched DWDM optical network," OFC 2004, PDP: PD5.
3) J. Yu*, et al, “A novel optical frontend for ultra-high capacity of 32x2.5Gbit/s data delivery in radio-over-fiber systems”, ECOC 2005, PDP: Th.4.5.4.
4) J. Yu*, et al, "17 Tb/s (161×114Gb/s) PolMux-RZ-8PSK transmission over 662 km of ultra-low loss fiber using C-band EDFA amplification and digital coherent detection, ECOC 2008, PDP: Th.3.E.2.
5) J. Yu*, et al., “42.8Gb/s chirp-managed signal transmission over 100m Graded-index plastic optical fiber”, OFC 2008, PDP: PDP 28.
6) X. Zhou*, J. Yu*, et al., “8x114Gb/s, 25GHz-spaced, PolMux-RZ-8PSK transmission over 640km of SSMF employing digital coherent detection and EDFA-only amplification”, OFC 2008, PDP: PDP1.
7) X. Zhou*, J. Yu*, et al, “32Tb/s (320x114Gb/s) PDM-RZ-8QAM Transmission over 580km of SMF-28 Ultra-Low-Loss Fiber” OFC 2009, PDP: PDPB4.
8) X. Zhou*, J. Yu* et al., “64-Tb/s (640×107-Gb/s) PDM-36QAM transmission over 320km using both pre- and post-transmission digital equalization”, OFC 2010, PDP: PDPB9.
9) J. Yu*, et al., “Generation, transmission and coherent detection of 11.2 Tb/s (112×100Gb/s) single source optical OFDM superchannel”, OFC 2011, PDP: PDPA6.
10) J. Yu*, et al., “Field Trial Nyquist-WDM Transmission of 8×216.4Gb/s PDM-CSRZ-QPSK Exceeding 4b/s/Hz Spectral Efficiency”, OFC 2012, PDP: PDP 5D.3.
11) X. Xiao, F. Li, J. Yu*, et al., “100-Gb/s Single-band Real-time Coherent Optical DP-16QAM-OFDM Transmission and Reception,” OFC 2014 PDP: Th5C.6.
12) J. Zhang, J. Yu*, et al., “Transmission of 20×440-Gb/s Super-Nyquist-Filtered Signals over 3600 km based on Single-Carrier 110-GBaud PDM QPSK with 100-GHz Grid,” OFC 2014, PDP: Th5B.3.
13) X. Li, J. Yu*, et al., “Field Trial of 80-Gb/s PDM-QPSK Signal Delivery over 300-m Wireless Distance with MIMO and Antenna Polarization Multiplexing at W-Band,” OFC 2015, PDP: Th5A.5.
14) X. Li, J. Yu*, et al., "Bidirectional delivery of 54-Gbps 8QAM W-band signal and 32-Gbps 16QAM K-band signal over 20-km SMF-28 and 2500-m wireless distance." OFC 2017, PDP: Th5A.7.
15) X. Li, J. Yu*, et al., "1-Tb/s Photonics-aided Vector Millimeter-Wave Signal Wireless Delivery at D-Band," in OFC PDP 2018: Th4D.1.
16) J. Zhang, J. Yu*, et al., "Demonstration of 100-Gb/s/λ PAM-4 TDM-PON Supporting 29-dB Power Budget with 50-km Reach Using 10G-class O-band DML Transmitters," OFC PDP 2019: Th4C.3.
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