Prof. CHEN Liang-Yao
Prof. Liang-Yao Chen studied and worked in the physics department of Fudan University in 1974-1982 and received the MS degree of physics in 1981. He received the PhD degree in the physics department of Iowa State University in 1987, and worked as the post-doctor in the Ames National Laboratory of USA and the department of electric engineering of Nebraska University in 1988-1990. He returned to in Fudan University in 1990, and worked as the vice chairman of the physics department and the dean of school of information science and engineering. He was appointed as the chair and honored professor in 1997 and 2004, respectively. He received the distinguished young research funding support awarded by NSFC in 1994 and was honored of !°Yangzhi Professor!± in 1999.
He works in the field to study the optical properties of solids, including innovation of the advanced optical spectrometers in application. More than 200 referred research papers were published, over 100 presentations were given with more than 10 patents approved and many awards received in past years.
Research Fields
(1). Study of optical properties of photo-electronics materials;
(2). Processing and characteristic of photon-electronics thin film materials;
(3). Innovation and study of advanced optical spectroscopy;
(4). Study of the photon-electronics devices applied in the solar system .
Selected Publications
(1). Y. R. Chen, B. Sun, T. Han, Y. F. Kong, C. H. Xu, P. Zhou, X. F. Li, S. Y. Wang, Y. X. Zheng and L. Y. Chen
!°Densely-folded spectral images of the CCD spectroeter working in the full 200-1000nm wavelength range with high resolution!±, Optics Express, 13, 10049 (2005).
(2). X. F. Li, Y. R. Chen, J. Miao, P. Zhou, Y. X. Zheng, L.Y. Chen and Y. P. Lee, !°High solar absorption of a multilayered thin film structure!±, Optics Express, 15, 1907(2007).
(3). Y. H. Wu, W. Gu, Y. R. Chen, X. F. Li, X. S. Zhu, P. Zhou, J. Li, Y. X. Zheng, and L. Y. Chen, !°Experimental observation of light refraction going from negative to positive in the visible region at the pure air/Au interface!±, Phys. Rev. B 77, 035134(2008).
(4). M. H. Liu, S. X. Pan, Y. R. Chen, Y. F. Wu, Q. Y. Cai, P. H. Mao, Y. X. Zheng, and L. Y. Chen!°Path-folded infrared spectrometer consisting of 10 sub-gratings and a two-dimensional InGaAs detector!± Optics Express, 17, 14956 (2009).
(5). Y. Zhao, M. Y. Sheng, Y. X. Zheng, M. Xu, H. B. Zhao, L. Y. Chen, !°Lateral shift effect on the spatial interference of light wave propagating in the single-layered dielectric film!± Optics Express, 18, 10524 (2010).