Undergraduate Programmes (Taught in Chinese)
1. Electronic Information Science and Technology
2. Biomedical Engineering
3. Communication Engineering
4. Optical Information Science and Technology
5. Electrical Engineering and Automation
Master of Science Programmes (All taught in Chinese)
1. Microelectronics and Solid-State Electronics
2. Circuits and Systems
3. Biomedical Electronics
4. Communication and Information System
5. Electromagnetic Field and Microwave Technology
6. Radio Physics
7. Optics
8. Optical Engineering
9. Physical Electronics
10. Photoelectric System and Control Technology
Professional Degree Master Programmes
1. Intelligent System Engineering (English)
2. Optical and Photoelectric Engineering (Chinese)
3. Biomedical Engineering (Chinese)
4. Project Management (Open to Chinese applicants only)
5. Logistics Engineering and Management (Open to Chinese applicants only)
Doctoral Programmes
1. Optics (Chinese)
2. Optical Engineering (Chinese/English)
3. Physical Electronics (Chinese/English)
4. Circuits and Systems (Chinese/English)
5. Microelectronics and Solid State Electronics (Chinese/English)
6. Electromagnetic Field and Microwave Technology (Chinese/English)
7. Biomedical Engineering (Chinese/English)
8. Electronics and Information (Professional Degree Programme open to Chinese applicants only)
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