
Lecture by Dr. Ernest S. Lo , 4 Sep

Wireless Research for Smart City: Needs, Challenges, and Design Tools 


Found Speaker: Dr. Ernest S. Lo
Founding Director and Chief Representative of
CTTC-HK Limited
Croucher Postdoc Fellow at Stanford University 


Time & Date: 10:00-11:00 am, 4 Sep, 2012 (Tuesday ) 
Place : Room B405, Computing Centre Building
Smart City has been a hot topic in recent years at different levels of the Information & Communications Technology (ICT) ecosystem. For example, the IEEE Communications Magazine (academia) is coming up with a special issue of Smart Cities next year. CSST from China (industry) has established another new branch dedicated to Smart City technologies. Cisco is helping South Korea (government) develop a Smart+Connected community. What do these mean to the wireless research community? How can we capitalize on this Smart City evolution?
In this talk, we will discuss needs and challenges the Smart City movement brings to the wireless research community. Three frameworks identified by CTTC-HK will be covered: (i) Smart Cells;
(ii) City I/O; (iii) Safe Wireless. Smart Cells covers evolving cellular networks while City I/O is built upon machine-to-machine communications. Safe Wireless aims at emerging wireless technologies that are health-friendly and secure. Research insights on selected topics will be discussed.
Speaker’s Biography:-
Dr. Ernest S. Lo
Ernest S. Lo is the Founding Director and Chief Representative of CTTC-HK Limited, the Hong Kong Branch of CTTC in Barcelona. He was a Croucher Postdoc Fellow at Stanford University, and received his Ph.D., M.Phil., and B.Eng. (1st Hons) degrees from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology. He has contributed to the standardization of the IEEE 802.22 system and holds a few pending and granted US and China patents. Some of them were transferred to other companies.
Dr. Lo was a recipient of three Best Paper Awards at: IEEE ICC 2007, Glasgow, IEEE Globecom 2011, Houston, and IEEE WCNC 2012, Paris. His research interests include channel coding, resource allocation, and wireless system and architectural design, all with a goal of finding new resources and inventing new technologies for realizing a flexible, spectrally efficient, and energy-efficient wireless multiuser network.

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